Our story

Unfortunately my grandma got Alzheimer when she turned 71, fortunately the disease was in a slow development during which we have witness the whole process. 

My father, the older son, was taking care of her for 25 years until she pass away. Every week when I went to visit them both, i kept heard him saying "when she was young...", that was my motivation to start the project. 

I finished the very 1st copy of "life story pages" with the help of our whole family, the title is"A disease can never erase a person".

When we had that for the first time in front of everyone, we knew we didn't lose grandma, we just had her in a different way.

 I am aware of that there are much more stories to be remembered around everybody, so i hope "life story pages" could contribute in your recording.

** 📖 Introducing “LifeStoryPages” **

The Power of Memoirs

Memoirs are more than just words on a page; they're the mirror of our lives, reflecting experiences, memories, and emotions that shape us. Your unique story is a treasure trove, waiting to be explored and shared with the world. "LifeStoryPages" is your vehicle for turning those life experiences into a captivating narrative.

** 📖 Introducing “LifeStoryPages” **

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** 📖 Introducing “LifeStoryPages” **

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Your Weekly Memoir Journey

Your life is a story waiting to be told, and " LifeStoryPages" is here to guide you on this extraordinary journey. Get ready to explore your past, reflect on your present, and shape your future one page at a time.

Join us in this unique adventure of self-discovery, connection, and storytelling. Start writing your memoir today on " LifeStoryPages" Your life, your story – it's time to turn the pages of your life into a masterpiece.

Stay tuned for our first weekly question and let the memoir journey begin.

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